I" am a foreigner. I saw a collection of mail vehicles, which I don" t know. But the last two of them I" am really familiar with. Until several years ago I always knew, when the postman did bring the post. It didn"t matter if I was eating or sleeping, I knew when the Post was around. I could hear the specific noise of the vehicle. But now I can"t hear it anymore. They changed the vehicle. I stay by the window if I want to know if the postman is coming around the corner. How many years do I live at least in Switzerland?
Elektrodreirad Kyburz DXP für die Postzustellung, Freistein 2016. 2016 wird die ganze Rollerflotte der Post auf nahezu emissions- und lärmfreien Elektrobetrieb umgestellt.
Museum für Kommunikation, Bern
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www.tim-tam.ch / www.mi-s.ch | Changes, Museum für Kommunikation, Bern