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Bob's counting tabs 1

In the small village of Bosco Gurin, deep in the Alps, there was a man named Bob. Now Bob was not any ordinary man. He was bald, wore a white tank top, a mustache the color of fire, and some ripped up jeans with dirty white sneakers. He was terrible at keeping track of all the household pets in the village. He was so bad at remembering that he had to ask all the families how many pets they owned every week. They were quite sure he had hit his head at some point in his life, but he never said anything. He probably couldn’t remember anyway. To keep track of all the fun pets, he had to create his own system of remembering. Now, this was tricky, considering he also could not count.




Walserhaus, Bosco Gurin


su di noi:
Sofia, Meagan, Rocky / | Bob's counting tabs 1, Walserhaus, Bosco Gurin